Author Topic: Whats happenin'  (Read 1517917 times)

Offline dibully

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #615 on: October 14, 2014, 01:06:27 PM »
Hope you enjoy your time off Jackie my Grandson has already been planning what his going to paint next year his aeroplane takes pride of place on his window ledge p.s love reading the posts everyday

Offline Dupnica

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #616 on: October 14, 2014, 06:22:42 PM »
Thank you Jackie for taking the time to update us on the happenings in Ag Stefano's we are going to miss the daily bulletins. Enjoy your Winter,look forward to reading your weekly diary.

Offline cambridge

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #617 on: October 14, 2014, 06:45:25 PM »
Good on you, you became our very own conduit right into the village from all our remote locations, and I for one still read them even whilst I was there.

Well done, a sterling effort.

Offline Dupnica

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #618 on: October 14, 2014, 07:42:44 PM »
 I think we're all going to miss our daily "fix" from Jackie maybe we can persuade Waspman from Wiltshire to give us a bulletin from there.

Offline Chrissyann

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #619 on: October 14, 2014, 07:56:37 PM »
Thanks for all the posts, thoroughly enjoyed keeping up with all the news from SS after our visit,  (way back in June!)  will look forward to any posts to keep me going until next years visit. :)

Offline hippopots

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #620 on: October 14, 2014, 09:02:48 PM »
Awww, thanks everyone! It's been a great summer, we've loved meeting everyone, and have made some great new friends.

We're on wind down ourselves now, cleaning, and packing up to drive back to Wiltshire on Friday. Time to catch up with friends and family, get some more stock, and fulfill pre-orders ( anyone who's ordered, we'll be in touch end of Oct, if you want to order anything for Christmas, just let us know!).

Then, come the end of November, we'll be heading back to Corfu, to enjoy the rest of the winter!

As , as this will be the last post for a while, I thought I'd do a little 'Ode to San Stef 2014', so here goes....


'So, as we come to the end of another great year,
Yay, time for a rest, you probably think we all cheer,
Yes we're all tired, but we love where we are,
Welcoming guests from near, and afar.

First guests started arriving in April and May,
What a friendly resort, we hear most people say,
Days spent on the beach, soaking up sun,
Then out in the evenings, enjoying some fun.

Mother Nature was mean, and brought us seaweed,
A bit of a problem, we really didn't need,
Bear with us, we asked, and we'll clear it away,
Leaving a perfect beach, upon which children can play.

June and July brought the football, shown in most of the bars,
With everyone hoping their team would be stars,
But England went out, and then Greece went out too,
Grown men and women crying in their beer could be heard, boo hoo!

August was hot, and busy to boot,
Tribute acts in the bars, and karaoke, a hoot,
If you prefer it more quiet, I reccommend heading towards the old port,
Quieter bars to enjoy the sunset, whilst drinking a short.

September brought storms,thunder, lightening and rain,
If you're here on your holidays, a bit of a pain,
But gave plenty of time to make new friends and talk,
Then when it stopped, perfect weather for a walk.

This year we said 'farewell' to Sandra and Shane,
San Stefanos' loss is Australias gain
We all wish them well for their retirement break,
No more coffees to serve, nor cakes to bake!

As we near the end of the season its time to reflect,
On good times we've had, experiences we collect
We've had San Stefanos babies, weddings, and sadly some passing,
The people may be gone, but the memories of them are everlasting.

As winter draws close,we'll all change how we work
No more 14 hour days are definately a perk!
But they'll be olive picking, and maintenence of quad bikes and cars,
Re- stocking shop shelves and cleaning of bars.

Come April next year, everything will be sparkling and clean
To welcome you all here in 2015!


Offline H A S

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #621 on: October 14, 2014, 09:42:01 PM »
Hi Hippopots hope you  have a lovely break and hope you keep up the daily reports next year.
Regards Harry

Offline Dupnica

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #622 on: October 14, 2014, 09:44:38 PM »
That brought a tear to my eyes. :-[

Offline abbo

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #623 on: October 14, 2014, 10:34:20 PM »

Offline Andy

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #624 on: October 14, 2014, 10:59:24 PM »
Thanks jackie. That was lovely and even brought a tear to this old geezer.
Travel safe to Wiltshire and return to keep us all updated on the village.

Debbie and Andy

Offline swedebasher

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #625 on: October 15, 2014, 06:31:57 PM »
I see the palm brollies near The Waves have been removed!
The Sopranos-la miglior serie in TV mai.
Mafiosa , Gomorra e Innan vi dör sono anche due serie eccellenti.

Offline Dupnica

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #626 on: October 17, 2014, 07:34:06 PM »
 Those if you who walked to Arrilas earlier in the year will no doubt have seen The Mermaid on the sea front.  When we were there in June someone

 had preserved her modesty by putting a bikini top on her,just a bit of harmless fun.  However when we walked there in mid September the mermaid

 had vanished,no she hadn't dived into the sea and swum away!!  It seems that during the summer she had been repeatedly vandalised.Her fingers

 and tail were broken off and some idiot stabbed her with a chisel or something similar,the base was also sprayed with paint. Makes you wonder what

 goes on in some people's heads. She has now been removed from her plinth and should be back fully repaired next year,maybe they'll position her

 somewhere safer.


Offline Teamnickos

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #627 on: October 27, 2014, 04:38:20 PM »
Really missing the news and updates from San Stef    :(

Offline Dupnica

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #628 on: October 27, 2014, 07:57:12 PM »
I believe some of the larger hotels in Agios Stefanos are still open and still have guests staying.The evenings seem to be getting rather chilly there
I wonder if they have any kind of heating in the lounges and dining areas. If not I hope people have taken a supply of woolly socks and sweaters I think they'll need them.

Offline WINKIE

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #629 on: October 27, 2014, 08:48:59 PM »
Really missing the news and updates from San Stef    :(

Me too, going to be a long winter,so quiet on here now  :'(.
If its not one thing,its your mother.


San Stefanos

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Walk to Arillas Walk to AG Georgios Walk to Afionas Walk to Porto Timoni