Author Topic: Whats happenin'  (Read 1517998 times)

Offline dibully

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #570 on: October 02, 2014, 02:40:01 AM »
That's great news about George Jimbo x

Offline StevenM

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #571 on: October 02, 2014, 05:55:48 PM »
Yup great news about George. We were out in July when he was housebound and frankly it didn't look good. Must be a great relief to Spiros and Theodora to see George on the mend.

All being well looking forward to seeing him next season.

Offline hippopots

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #572 on: October 02, 2014, 11:38:07 PM »
Yes,as Jimbo says a beautiful day today, not a cloud in the sky until later this afternoon, when a little bit of cloud cover came in off the sea.

A warmer evening also sees plenty of people eating outside, with 2 stars and Little Prince both being particularly busy tonight.
Things are winding down a little, and tomorrow sees another changeover. However, I have just heard that one of the larger hotels only has 3 less rooms of people arriving than leaving, so thats good.

Have heard a few reports of a stormy weekend, but weather has been so good this week, fingers crossed thats wrong!!   

Offline Silverstar

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #573 on: October 03, 2014, 03:36:18 PM »
Great news about George, Jimbo

Me and mum popped into his apartment to see him at end of August and he was still bedridden and looked very frail.

However Abbi did say that they hoped he would be up and about within a month which seems to be the case and he has the winter to recuperate so good news  ;)

Offline Dupnica

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #574 on: October 03, 2014, 06:48:43 PM »
 Just got back after seventeen lovely days in San Stefanos. Met up with a lot of old friends and enjoyed long lazy lunches sitting in the sun and

 catching up with their news.Even met Mr and Mrs Waspman but unfortunately didn't catch sight of Jimbo(where were you hiding)?

 The first week was lovely and we were able to eat outside most evenings,if it wasn't windy,the second week although the days were warm the

 evenings started to get a bit chilly so eating inside was more comfortable.
 I was surprised at how busy the village was the first week, never seen so many visitors there at that time of the year but during our last few
 days it was very much quieter and tavena owners were counting the days till they closed for the Winter.

Offline hippopots

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #575 on: October 03, 2014, 10:04:59 PM »
Glad to see you got home OK Dupnica, and had a nice time.

Although there was talk of storms today, the weather held out to be bright and sunny, and pretty hot. 8)

More people leaving today, and probably less arriving means the village is now winding down a little.

Silver Star were covering their outside lights with plastic bags this evening, (a sure sign of closing around here) and, whilst still serving drinks, are probably going to finish this weekend.
Across the road, El Greco was closed at 7pm, so quite possibly they have decided to finish for the season too.

There is an autumnal feel in the air, but with the sun set casting a rosy glow over the village, it is a beautiful light.

Offline hippopots

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #576 on: October 04, 2014, 10:38:56 PM »
 Despite talk of storms due to come today was another lovely warm sunny one....think rain may be on the way though  :(

But for October this last week has been really lovely.

Things are quietening down here now, but thinking back to this time last year, there are more businesses open longer this year, which is good news.

Silver Star has definately closed up for 2014, all lights are off, and tables and chairs stored away, but pleased to say that El Greco are back open again tonight! Perhaps they just fancied a night off yesterday! Other than that, currently all other bars, tavernas, shops, and car/scooter hire are still open and trading.

So fingers crossed for an incorrect forecast and some more sunny days, especially as preparations are well underway at the Arillas brewery just up the hill for the Corfu beer festival, which is starting on Wednesday.

Offline Waspman

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #577 on: October 05, 2014, 01:06:32 AM »
Hi J weather forecast for San Stef doesn't look good for next few days, hope it's wrong, not much better in UK Might see you in Wiltshire in the winter?

Offline Jimbo

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #578 on: October 05, 2014, 12:22:04 PM »
Sunday morning. It started raining on schedule in the small hours. It's not heavy, and not windy, so it's a damp grey English day outside.

Met the farellys from the forum last night at Nafsika, and had a good drink and chat.

Rest of the day looks like crosswords, football and I can get on with my knitting...

Offline hippopots

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #579 on: October 05, 2014, 10:34:24 PM »
Well, the rain came today, and unfortunately has not stopped all day  >:(

It's just been a damp, grey and at times thundery Sunday, and not surprisingly all very quiet in the village.

Big lightening flashes happening right now, so time for us to close the doors for the night, and hope for a drier day tomorrow!!

Offline Waspman

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #580 on: October 06, 2014, 01:29:42 AM »
Well, the rain came today, and unfortunately has not stopped all day  >:(

It's just been a damp, grey and at times thundery Sunday, and not surprisingly all very quiet in the village.

Big lightening flashes happening right now, so time for us to close the doors for the night, and hope for a drier day tomorrow!!

Lovely in Wiltshire today J

Offline Jimbo

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #581 on: October 06, 2014, 03:43:13 PM »
It hasn't stopped raining all night. It's 2pm and a storm has been circling for twelve hours, now. It was flat calm, but there's now a breeze picking up, just ensure that the rain gets blown into the faces of the very few brave souls who have ventured out.

We've done two cryptic crosswords this morning, eaten toast, listened to the thunder and the constant waterfall sound of the torrent pouring out of the sky.

All Thomas Cook places close today. Silver Star's closed. El Greco is probably closed. How long the remaining tavernas will stay open will be interesting to see.

There's a certain camaraderie between the last survivors which is enjoyable. We are the brave few stranded on a desert island which is determinedly irrigating itself into Kew Gardens, but fortunately the natives are kind enough to feed us, albeit as they count down the remaining few days until Thomson, Ryanair and Easyjet cart us all off and leave them in peace to eat proper Greek food, reacquaint themselves with their families, watch the telly, and argue.

Very pleasing to note that it's raining in Wiltshire and forecast to rain all week, whereas here the summer returns on Wednesday for a glorious finale to the season. My libation to the gods last night evidently worked!

Yammas to all... 

Offline Waspman

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #582 on: October 06, 2014, 06:56:05 PM »
Yep, forecast to rain all week in Wiltshire but the combined total is about half of that forecast for Ag Stef tomorrow, good luck!

Offline Dupnica

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #583 on: October 06, 2014, 07:09:42 PM »
 Be thankful you're not travelling home today,apparently it's chaos at Corfu airport.Not only is the weather causing delays but there is a European

 Air Traffic Controllers strike to add to the misery.Flights are delayed from the U.K. particularly to France and Greece.I have just this moment heard

 from two of our friends who have been waiting for their flight since earlier today that they are about to be bussed to a hotel. They also said that

 some people were being put on ferries to Halkidiki and catching flights from there.

 BA are not sure if the situation will be worse tomorrow not only will there be a "knock on" effect from the problems today but they will be

 compounded by a 48 hour general strike in Spain.WHAT A NIGHTMARE!!!

Offline hippopots

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Re: Whats happenin'
« Reply #584 on: October 06, 2014, 10:47:10 PM »
Yep, been another wet and windy one for most of today, with plenty of thunder and lightening thrown in for good measure until early afternoon.

The rain stopped by late afternoon, and I do believe I spotted just a little hint of sunshine around was little mind, blink and you'd probably miss it!!  :D

As Jimbo says, things definately winding down....the summer feels like its gone really fast.

Most tavernas are still open, although I think this weekend coming will be crunch time for's hard to stay open, especially when you're dealing with food, when there are so few people around.
We will be here til the 17th, although we will be stocktaking cleaning etc, before we head back to sunny Wiltshire.

I'll keep the reports going until we depart, then once we return at the beginning of December I'll probably do one a week until season preparation starts in earnest next Spring. (If you want me too that is!).

Eeverything crossed for some sunshine tomorrow!


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