Well, don't know if you guys got the rain, but we have it here again.....VERY unseasonal!!
The day began nice and sunny, just a few white fluffy clouds drifting about.
By 5.30pm there were some very ominous black clouds coming in from off shore, along with a wind getting up, resulting in much battening down of the hatches......Spiros took his bikes in, Yianni took his menu off his front wall, and secured his PVC windbreaks, and Elizabeths pulled down the shutters. Not ones to ignore local advice, our ceramics got pulled in close to the shop front too.
Fortunately the wind was not as bad as anticipated, and after a 10 minute torrential downpour, the clouds passed over, and people could once again go out and enjoy their evening.
The England game was watched by many tonight, we personally went next door to Athens Bar. We were going to try and stay up for the Greece game, but more thunder is rumbling around now, and we have a very stressed dog when the weather is like this!
But hopefully this storm will pass ready for a good day tomorrow!!