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Topics - tonyco1

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San Stefanos news and views / Facebook
« on: July 22, 2009, 02:24:39 AM »
I have posted some of my collection of 2009 photo's on facebook, Search tonyco1!! (or PM me)
more to follow, including around the resort and the new cafe, new premises etc. Tomorrow if I have time!

The ones in the Condor were all posted in spite of some being a bit below par, as it showed some other forum members,
Martyn please note - your lot are in there including your hypnosis show in the T/bay Hotel - great sports - nice one!!

The forum meal ones are there - (yes your family picture is there Zimmer - great picture I thought!!),
I can send it to you if you PM me, you had a Blue shirt and horns on the head !! LOL !!
Nice wife and son!! say hello for me!

An album around the beach also posted - sorry nothing too rude!!
(but if Jules, Sue and Zoe had been on the nudie beach - an exception would be made!!) LOL!!!

Hi all - missed you lot of course - - met so many people from the site there as well.
All very happy experiences!! Pam and Mary - looking for your postings about my Karaoke session!! LOL
I got on really well with Don & Sandra and met lots of others too!!
Zimmer - Keith - it was a pleasure to meet you and the family - I thought we got on well!
I caught up on lots of postings today - -I hadn't fully realised what was happening!
I thought you were a nice couple to meet, also your son who seemed to enjoy it well!!
I for one will now miss you on the site so reconsider and come back, it's good to see the other side!!
If you ever go back to S S, I will be pleased to buy the beers!!
Love it for you to keep in touch - maybe on facebook?
I will miss your humour now I understand it!! LOL
Strange thing is we were sitting next to the Martyn Slayter Party, and he is a friend on Face book - but it didn't click!!
We did briefly speak and I shouted hello as I passed by on a quad bike - so nice to meet you - even though we weren't introduced.
I have some photos of your party in my collection!!
By the way - you guys were great on the Hypno-show - real sports!!!

San Stefanos news and views / Hire Shop in Sidari
« on: July 15, 2009, 12:07:32 AM »
I went to check out the Hire shop (run by an english couple) in Sidari.
I forgot to bring the details tonight, so again, I will do a follow up info thing!!
I have the leaflet!!
They hire out and deliver to San Stef!!
Bikes, Wheelchairs, Fans - loads of stuff, but not battery powered Mobility "scooters".
They even have a Zimmer Frame - interested Keith?? LOL!!

San Stefanos news and views / PADI - Diving Shop in San Stefanos (NW)
« on: July 15, 2009, 12:03:41 AM »
I will follow up with more details later.
(Ask "Bubblehead" or "Kipper")
Hope the Forum names were correct - An excellant Diving Shop & Service opposite the Olive Press / Hotel Nafsika.
Great Shop - loads of goods from Diving wares to Tourist stuff - to Suncreams etc.
(More details to follow - but I am sure you can Google it as well!!),
Corfu - 2663051108
Mobile 6955263244
Email or
Great T-Shirts as well!
Go see this shop - loads of non Diving stock as well!
Also, everything for Diving in this shop.
Professional service: very safe Diving, (but fun), with over 30 years of experience here folks!!
Kipper (Ray), is a qualified PADI Instructor, (including disabled). Just contact and ask, Divers, spectators and snorkellers welcome!!
Bev gives great customer service in her shop!!! (she has actually won awards!!).

San Stefanos news and views / Latest News
« on: July 11, 2009, 12:51:03 AM »
Big Disaster!!
After all my hype - I broke my NETBOOK PC, Dropped it - no screen now!!
Using the Gladiator as I promosed I would!! I won't be online much now until next week!!

A boy nearly died on the beach today, drowned and was given CPR - brought back!!
Albanian father went to sleep and left the kids to it - big waves today!!

Where to eat out in San Stefanos? / Evening Meal Review
« on: July 07, 2009, 12:36:38 PM »
Went to the Mythica last night.
We had the best meal ever, (only competition was the Beachcomber Bistro).
The Mythica's prices are €6-8 on average, except fillet steaks (double the price).
We had, (Linda) Stifado - best one ever!!
I had chicken Strogonoff - again best ever, followed by homemade Baileys Cream desert - -YUM!!
All the others are really good - so it shows what standards the Mythica has risen to!
Well done Jenny and Leo!!

Where to eat out in San Stefanos? / San Stefanos Latest info
« on: July 06, 2009, 04:25:05 PM »
Prices of Pedaloes:
€10 per hour - €15 for the one with the slide fitted.
Met Tony - Bob the builder - the wedding is now tomorrow.
Hen and Stag night went ok.
Met two really lovely girls called Mary and Pamela from Newcastle, they caught me doing a Karaoke last night.

Where to eat out in San Stefanos? / The Eagle has Landed!!
« on: July 05, 2009, 01:26:49 PM »
Hi all
Your new roving reporter has Landed in San Stefanos, All is well!!
ZOE - -thanks for the Bottle of "Home Brew" Cider and the 2 bottls of whiskey you left for us in Ozzie Oils!!
We had a ball last night!! And Kerry sang for us. Weleft suitably S**t-Faced!! LOL (Strong or what)!!
I met Don and Sandra and are now friends for life - as if we already knew each other!!
Zimmer and family turned up & I took a picture, then of the rest of us.
Took a few pics for face book!!
We started to feel like pop stars when people came up that read the posts and asked if we were the "FORUM" - obviously we took the credit even though a lot of the rest of you did the work!!! LOL
We met a few people last night - which was a great evening.

San Stefanos news and views / The Man in the Panamar Hat!!
« on: July 01, 2009, 03:16:47 PM »
Our roving reporter DON, in constant touch by text, has had a similar experience to Henry Stanley in 1871 when he found "Dr Livingstone"
(I presume)!!
He was trying without success to find Alan & Carole, some friends of ours!!
I text'ed him and said, look for the Man in the Panama Hat, he found them hours later and said, Alan - I presume!!
They seem to have hit it off as well!! All good reports so far!!
Jules and Sue were always easy to spot - - -  in Lime Green or Leopard skin Thong-kini's and Dr Martin Boots!
Zoe somehow was very discrete and kept hidden!! LOL

Ask Nikos or Heather in the Thomas Bay if we are allowed to bring our Grandson in on Karoke Night?
I know it's not under 16 the stay there!!

Out and About / The best place to find DON during the day!
« on: June 26, 2009, 01:56:07 PM »
Where is DON?
Probably on the coach right now!
But soon he will be having Lunch (WHERE)

Place your bets now!!

Just heard it on the News - what a shock!
Great entertainer whatever his strange quirks!!
No doubt it will enable a string of Tribute ''MJ's'' now!
On the eve of Don's holiday - a date etched in the memory for ever!!
Love him or hate him - he was a serious entertainment legend!!
We were trying to get tickets for his O2 Concerts!!

Where to eat out in San Stefanos? / Golden Beach Hotel
« on: June 23, 2009, 05:07:40 PM »
Has anyone been into the Golden Beach Hotel for a meal this or Last year?
It's quiet, beautifully fitted out and the food is very good.
Run by Nikos (middle brother of Manthos and Stefanos {Condor}).
It used to be in the Hub of the Action in the 80's but is now quite quiet!
Worth a visit for a change! I believe he has a lot of European clients now!

Just wondered if it was running again? - You never know if you need a haircut!

San Stefanos news and views / The Hidden Costs of the Holiday - Pets!
« on: June 23, 2009, 04:25:10 PM »
We have Dogs, when we have a holiday - they have to have one as well!!
We are not so keen on Kennels so our friends who have dogs also do some boarding and look after them for us in their house.
We get a special deal really, as I have a Dobermann and 3 x Miniature Schnauzers, but it still costs us £20 a day!
Some kennels charge almost as much a day for one dog!!
How much do others pay, is it cheaper in the North of the country?

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