Yes it is for indoor bars and resturants including clubs. I asked the question regarding toilet facilities which are normally indoors, as had visions of 'peeing in the streets or al fresco' !!!! Using indoors facilities such as toilets - you wear your mask which is what we have all being doing anyway, vaxed or non vaxed. Bars can check Greek persons by an app on a smart phone, which scans the QR code and if fully vaxed it comes up Green with a tick and your name. I read that the UK NHS is not at present compatible - I am sure there is a way around this. No doubt as this all started on 16/07 until the end of August almost everyone will be eating and drinking outside anyway as with temps even nightime are around mid 30's. I wouldn't concern yourselves with this as no doubt over the next week there will be updates from the Greek government.