There are many ways that you can choose to travel to Corfu. The most common route is a direct flight although you can arrive by ferry (this allows you to bring a car) or indirect flights via Athens. Here are some useful links and information for you to choose which mode of transport suits you best.

Sea Ports

It's becoming more and more popular for holiday makers to make their own way across Europe in their car and cross oceans via ferry, enabling them to continue their journey once they have reached the other side. The most common route through Europe to Corfu is via Italy. There are four main sea ports in Italy; Bari, Brindisi, Venice and Ancona. From these ports you can either travel directly to Corfu or go to mainland Greece arriving at Igoumenitsa port. From there you can catch another ferry to bring you to the large port in Corfu Town. You can find a wealth of information and numerous ferry lines at


If you are arranging your own accommodation within San Stefanos and just need flights, here are the main providers for you to search for. Most offer direct flight from major UK airports to Kerkyra Airport in Corfu. If you are not travelling from the UK you may need to fly to Athens and catch a connecting flight to Corfu from there.

Easy Jet;
Ryan Air;
Olympic (from Athens);